Il y a quelques semaines, on faisait part de notre inquiétude concernant Mana Pools et la possibilité qui nous est offerte de s’y balader sans escorte. Cette inquiétude était issue de nombreux accidents qui ont été reportés récemment dans la région.

Mais ce soir, on est tombé par hasard sur cet article :

Walking in the wild : Close encounters in Mana Pools

Old « Slit-Ear » stood motionless in the deep shade of the mahogony tree with his trunk resting on the ground.  He dozed.  A deep, resonant snore arose from his massive bulk, mingled with that pungent, warm, bull elephant musk.  After about five minutes he stirred, raised his trunk lazily upwards to rub an itchy patch above his ear, slid it down over his eyes and turned to face us …

Certes l’article date d’avril 2009 mais l’expérience que rapporte Sally de son passage à Mana Pools donne juste envie de le vivre nous aussi. On oublierait presque les dangers qui nous entourent pour céder à une vision très poétique et édénique de la cohabitation entre les hommes et les animaux sauvages.

Pour autant, Sally ne manque pas de rappeler les bons comportements à adopter lorsque l’on s’aventure à Mana Pools. Que l’on soit accompagné ou non d’ailleurs …


  • Caution and common sense will help, paranoia will not.  If you are likely to be nervous, take an armed guide with you.
  • Respect the fact that the animals are wild and may behave unpredictably, especially if they are frightened, wounded or have young.
  • Don’t walk alone or at night.
  • Walk at times of day when predators are less active i.e. mid-morning to mid-afternoon.
  • Walk quietly so that all your senses can be fully alert and be aware of what’s around you at all times.
  • Avoid long grass or thick bush – if you can’t see out, climb a tree or an anthill.
  • Avoid the temptation to get too close to animals for that ultimate photo-opportunity.  Rather use binoculars and a telephoto lens.
  • If you are taking photographs, make sure that somebody else keeps an eye on the surroundings and can warn you if anything approaches.
  • Walk downwind of any animals that you see or hear and take time and effort to divert if you have to, this is especially important if there are females with young.
  • If you come unexpectedly close to an animal or a snake, back off very slowly, or stay still and try to remain calm until it moves off.  Do not run or shout.
  • Never swim in rivers or pools and stay back from the water where banks are shallow.  Crocodiles are the Earth’s longest surviving and most successful predators !

Ces conseils sont simples, sans doute connus de tous. Et pourtant, il est bon de les rappeler et de les appliquer pour conserver, comme conclue Sally, la liberté de venir marcher à Mana Pools.